Sound Nomaden – Madame – Remix Contest
To celebrate the release of the first Sound Nomaden Album „Madame“ we’ve decided to offer all interested fans, producers and musicians the chance to get their hands on two of the tracks from the album and make a Remix. The contest starts today and will continue until 13.02.2015. After this date we will choose 3 winners of the Remix contest. These 3 Remixes will be officially released on Sound Nomaden’s label Nu Bohème Recordings.
To enter the „Sound Nomaden – Madame – Remix Contest“ make sure to act under the following rules:
1. Download the stems on soundcloud.
2. Once you’ve finished your Remix upload it to soundcloud and name it with the original song name + (your artist name Remix) as shown below.
Sound Nomaden – Madame feat. MSP (your artist name Remix)
Sound Nomaden – Akkordeon Hipsters feat. Cab Canavaral & Anja Kreysing (your artist name Remix)
Please make sure to don’t enable the download option.
Use the Cover of the „Sound Nomaden – Madame – Remix Contest“ as your Coverart
3. Add your Remix to the „Sound Nomaden – Madame – Remix Contest“ Group on soundcloud.
4. After uploading your Remix on soundcloud please email the soundcloud link to your Remix to:
Please also add your artist name, real name and adress to the email.
5. In downloading the Remix stems you agree that all further copyrights and publishing rights of your Remix belong to Nu Bohème Recordings. You also grant us a world-wide license to reproduce, edit, adapt, copyright, publish, transfer, distribute, perform, stream, display and use any or all of the entries, without compensation to you or any third party.
6. You also guarantee that no audio material or samples are used in your Remix that are subject to copyright protection or licensed to any third parties.
7. You are eligible to enter the contest if you are 18 years of age or older as of the Contest start date.
8. Please send in only one Remix per person.
9. Contest is void where prohibited.
10. Prize:
The 3 winning Remixes will be released on an official Sound Nomaden digital release on Nu Bohème Recordings.
The 3 winners also receive an Sound Nomaden promo-package including a limited CD version of the album „Madame“ a Sound Nomaden T-shirt and Sticker.
11. To take part in the contest send in your Remix until 13.02.2015 german time.
12. The 3 winners will be announced on 20.02.2015 on and will be contacted via email.
Album „Madame“ is available now:
digital and limited edition CD on bandcamp:
digital on beatport:
digital on traxsource:
digital on itunes:
digital on amazon:
Sound Nomaden